Augmented Reality and Your Label
aug•ment•ed re•al•it•y – a digital image (often animated) laid over the real world that enhances or improves the user experience.
Using social media, an Australian winery, Treasury Wine Estates, garnered significant marketing exposure when they introduced several wine labels using Augmented Reality.
Augmented reality takes the consumer on an interactive journey through a combination of storytelling, entertainment, and brand interaction. It offers the brand owner an opportunity to share and connect with their market and gather information on their consumers.
These Wine Labels Tell Stories
The AR Process
We reached out to Tactic Studio, the AR developer who designed the wine labels, to find out more about this form of marketing. Here is what we learned.
There is no embedded design or reader to trigger the image. The technology recognizes the shape of the package and the logo so it can be applied to an existing package. It works best with rigid containers but can be adapted to apply to semi-rigid, such as a filled potato chip bag.
The development phase typically takes 10-14 weeks, and the budget is wholly dependent upon the breadth and scope of the project.
The AR Wine Label Experience
If you have not already enjoyed the Treasury Wine Estates experience, download the Living Wine Labels app and visit your favorite wine store.
I did just that to find a wine for my family dinner, and it was interesting to learn that my wine store was not aware of the promotion. The bottles did not have any information about it, not even a bottleneck label. Treasury Wine Estates has relied on social media and word of mouth to promote the experience and have had tremendous results in both increased sales and views.
The ages of my family at our dinner ranged from 5 through 83, and all were suitably impressed and entertained. I found it interesting that the children were captivated by the experience.
What a wonderful way to share stories, information, recipes, nutritional facts, promotional campaigns, and, of course, ideas!